Multi Silicon Rod No.8
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Returns & Exchange Instructions : If you receive a defective or incorrectly shipped item, please contact us within seven days of receiving the product. Returns and exchanges will not be accepted after this seven-day period. Please carefully review these instructions before making a purchase. By placing an order, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms. Thank you for your cooperation.
Flexible silicon rods that fit perfectly on the eyelids.
Choosing a Rod for Lash Lift can be tough because there is no "one-size fits all" rod for Lash Lift.
Therefore, Cite presents you with our Multi Silicon Rod series that has a variety of Rod shapes and sizes that you can use for your diverse client base.
Please take a look at the infographic below to see the size of the rods, which type of eye shape or eyelash length or eyelid type it is recommended for, and what kind of Lash Lift results it will give.