Silicon Pad M
Product No.
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Returns & Exchange Instructions : If you receive a defective or incorrectly shipped item, please contact us within seven days of receiving the product. Returns and exchanges will not be accepted after this seven-day period. Please carefully review these instructions before making a purchase. By placing an order, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms. Thank you for your cooperation.

M rods are perfect for single~slightly single eyelids, or naturally lifted style.【Recommended eye shape】
eye lids: double, single
Thickness of eyelids: normal~slightly thick
Length of natural lashes: average~long
Width: 52mm/Length(middle): 9mm/ Height(middle): 3mm【Color】
Milky White【Material】
Silicon【How to use】
Select the rods size according to the shape of eyes lids, desired design, length and thickness of natural lashes, and layers of the lashes. Place the rods on the eyelids and glue the lashes onto the rods.